Travel Health

If you're planning to travel outside the UK you may need to be vaccinated against some of the serious diseases found in other parts of the world. A travel assessment may be required and patients can book these with any travel clinic, we would encourage all patients to visit the government website for the most up to date information and check online for a local travel clinic.
Many vaccinations such as Hepatitis A, Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio (DTP) and Typhoid are available on the NHS free of charge if recommended for your country of travel.
Information regarding vaccinations and other travel requirments can be found at Foreign travel advice - GOV.UK (
If you require additional vaccinations not available on the NHS book a convenient appointment at a Travel clinic, followed by an appointment with a nurse at the surgery for any NHS vaccinations needed.
Further Travel Information
The following websites will give you additional travel advice
Travel Health for information of vaccinations available on NHS
MASTA for private vaccination clinics for specific country travel advice
EHIC to apply for your free European Health Insurance Card